Friday, March 6, 2009

The secret of the LORD

While reading in the Book of Psalms this morning, I was touched by Psalm 25:14.
The secret of the LORD is for those who fear Him,And He will make them know His covenant.
My devotional Bible is the New American Standard Bible. The term ‘secret’ had other translations listed—counsel or intimacy. Obviously, the term intimacy caught my attention. I began thinking about how our relationship with the Lord can only be truly intimate when we fear (respect) Him.
When we have a friend who only calls when she needs something or who is always telling our secrets, we begin to lose respect for that person. We find it hard to trust her, we might begin distancing ourselves from her, and, ultimately, the friendship may fail altogether. Why? Because of a lack of respect. When our spouse has an affair or spends the family money on things that are selfish or wasteful, we will have many issues to work through, but, ultimately, until true respect is built again, the relationship will suffer greatly.
Just as in earthly relationships, true intimacy with God is only achieved when a deep, abiding respect is a fundamental part of growing the relationship. As we respect the Lord—building intimacy with our loving Father, he reveals His covenant to us.
What is His covenant? Literally, it is the covenant He made with Abraham, but also it is the covenant He makes with every believer that He will reveal Himself, making known to us what is the teaching we should follow and the path we should take in life. (John 7:17)
My friends, do you respect the Lord and desire to follow His ways? If you know Him, then the desire is in you. Call out to Him, ask Him to show you what His desire is for you, and let Him know that you care. Just like in any budding relationship or relationship that has faltered, there will be missteps, but God wants simply to hold your hand and be with you as you live this earthly life. He wants to help point out the pitfalls and make sure you don’t miss the abundant treasures hidden (sometimes in plain sight).

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